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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Doors and Readers

GymMaster software combined with door access hardware form an access control system which allows automated individualized entry

Bluetooth Check-In Process

Once bluetooth has been Enabled, members will be able to access your club using the Member App from their phone.

To check in via the Member’s App;

  • Open app when approaching access door
    • Ensure Bluetooth is enabled on member’s phone
  • Click the Check In icon at the top of the Dashboard
    • Note, Check-In icon will only display when;
  • Member App will start scanning for nearby Bluetooth readers
  • The reader will display;
    • Green - Access Granted
    • Red - Access Denied

Member will need to be within a couple of meters of the reader for the device to be found, however we suggest they do not contact reader directly with their phone

Bluetooth access is always connected to the Member’s current account. This means;

  • Members will only be able to access the club within the Door Access limits of their current membership / casual booking.
  • Members with Failed Billing attempts, Member Holds, expired or cancelled memberships, will not be able access club until resolved.

Bluetooth Access Complete
Next - Passcode Access Guide