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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Doors and Readers

GymMaster software combined with door access hardware form an access control system which allows automated individualized entry

Staff Access

This guide assumes hardware installation is already complete, and your access method is enabled.
Now you can assign automated individualized access to your staff.

  • Go to User Administration
  • Select Staff account to whom you wish to allocate access
  • Navigate to the Details tab
    • Click the Fob Number field to assign access key fob
      • Swipe the fob that will be allocated to the staff member
    • Assign Access Roster
      • The access roster designates staff member’s door access hours
      • For example, you may consider allocating staff access during Open Hours
      • Access Roster will be different from their schedule Roster hours
  • Save

Staff member will now be able to access the gym using their key fob within assigned access roster hours

Next - Member Access