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GymMaster Gym Software Manual


Billing is the process of handling automated and manual financial transactions related to membership payments.

Failed Billing Settings

What automated response should GymMaster take when fees are unpaid?

Settings in Advanced Configuration will allow you to dictate the next automated step when billing results in a failed payment from member.
The following selections can be made;

Go to Settings > Advanced Configuration


  • Billing Retry Interval - automatically retry failed billing after selected time-frame
  • Billing fail limit - select number of consecutive failed billing attempts before system marks member as ‘Pending Review’
    • If the selected number of attempts fail, GymMaster will switch a member’s automatic billing off to avoid incurring additional dishonor fees
  • Collect historic debts - enable debt collection attempts for any outstanding charges to continue for up to 6 months after membership expires

Doors & Readers

  • Stop After Owe - Time - select time period member may continue to access the gym when money is owed
  • Stop After Owe - Amount - select maximum amount member can owe before access is denied to the Club and new bookings are blocked
    See Automated Holds for more details

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