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GymMaster Gym Software Manual


Billing is the process of handling automated and manual financial transactions related to membership payments.

EziDebit FAQs

If you are unable to find the answer to your query, please Contact Our Support Team

How do I set up and use Ezidebit?

What do the EziDebit decline codes mean?

  • View the Decline Codes; click on the EziDebit image to see their decline payment codes

EziDebit Error; ‘Add payment denied - Only active customers can have payments added to their schedule’

Ezidebit Error; ‘Payment Stopped’

  • This means your member has blocks these payments at the bank. Contact member.

Why are RealTime online payments not processing immediately?

  • RealTime online payments must be aligned with GymMasters online billing configuration rules
  • Go to Settings > Member Portal Configuration > Billing
  • Note options which allow for ‘Bill Immediately’
  • Enable all options where you require RealTime Payments to be applicable
  • Save

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