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GymMaster Gym Software Manual


Billing is the process of handling automated and manual financial transactions related to membership payments.

Billing / Financial Reports FAQs

If you are unable to find the answer to your query, please Contact Our Support Team

Which report shows me money owed by members?

How can I view a members full billing history as a report?

  • Go to the member’s page, select the Accounts and Billing tab
  • Scroll down to the bottom of their Account History list
  • Select ‘Export to CSV’

How can I view which members are set to ‘Never Bill’ or ‘Billing Pending Review?

  • Go to your Reports > Standard Reports
  • Select a Current Members report
  • Edit report to add field Member Billing Status
  • Add filter, eg contains Never Bill or contains Billing Pending Review
  • Alternatively, use does not contain Bill Automatically to view all members with non-automatic billing settings
  • Run Report

Why does my Sales Report show a different amount as my Payments Report?

  • The sales and the payments reports are different so they will show different totals.
  • For example, if a member has a $100 membership charge on 1st Jan (monthly), but fails. That month’s reports will show:
    • Sales $100
    • Payments $0
  • If next month rolls around, 1st of Feb, and the catch-up payment succeeds (bills $200). That month’s report will show:
    • Sales $100
    • Payments $200
  • So any booking fees, product sales, or unpaid memberships still increase revenue but don’t move the payments until it’s collected
  • See the Key Performance Indicators report for a general report showing income/payments and where income is coming from

Can I run a report on upcoming expiring credit cards?

  • GymMaster does not store credit/debit card information (this is stored by the billing provider)
  • Therefore at this stage no reports can be run on card details

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