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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Add Member

Details for all new, current, casual, expired members as well as prospects are stored on GymMaster

To Add Member, follow through these steps;

Additional Details

This section will vary slightly depending on whether you’re adding a new member or a new prospect.

Complete following member details, as required by the club;

  • Club
    • Assign club member has signed up at
    • Member will be able to access the club/s assigned within their Membership Benefits
  • Trainer
    • Does this member work with a particular trainer?
    • Assign staff member as a Trainer
  • Sales Representative
    • Is this member associated with a particular Sales Rep?
    • Assign staff member as a Sales Rep
  • Referred By Member
    • Search for existing member who has referred new member
    • Does your club offer rewards for referrals?
    • Manage your Referral rewards
  • Source Promotion
    • Track how member found you, eg Website, Facebook, Instagram, Summer Promotion
    • You can run a Report on this information to track results of your promotions over time
    • Manage your list of Promotions options
  • Custom Warning Banner
    • Visible to staff only; message appears in banner of Member’s detail page

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