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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Add Member

Details for all new, current, casual, expired members as well as prospects are stored on GymMaster

To Add Member, follow through these steps;

Prospect Information

This section will only be visible when your add member toggle is set to ‘Prospect’

The better you know your prospects and where they’re coming from, the more effectively you can refine your promotion and conversion strategies.

Complete following prospect details, as required by the club;

  • Sales Representative
    • Was this prospect introduced by a particular Sales Rep?
    • Assign staff member as a Sales Rep
  • Prospect Funnel Stage
    • A tool enabling your staff to monitor and nurture prospects throughout their initial interactions with your club, starting from the first contact, through club tour or free assessment, and finally to the membership sign-up process
    • Manage your Prospect Funnel Stages
  • Contact Method
    • Track how first contact was initiated.
    • You can run a Report on this information to track contact methods of prospects over time
  • Fitness Goal
  • Previous Gym
  • Lead Strength
    • Track how strong a lead this prospect is
    • You can run a Report on this information to track lead strength / conversion of prospects over time
  • Created
    • Field will automatically fill with date and time once details are saved
  • Source Promotion
    • Track how prospect found you, eg Website, Facebook, Instagram, Summer Promotion
    • You can run a Report on this information to track results of your promotions over time
    • Manage your Promotions list

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