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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

User Administration

Add and manage staff user accounts within GymMaster

Trainer Tab

A Trainer in GymMaster is a staff member who is responsible for providing one-on-one Personal Training services to club members. Trainers are typically certified fitness professionals who work with clients to create personalized workout plans, provide guidance and motivation, and monitor progress towards fitness goals.

  • Note that ANY staff member can be added as an instructor to a Class
  • Trainers are specific for one-on-one training services such as Personal Training sessions
    • Is a Trainer
      • Trainers can be designated ‘Is a Trainer’. They can then be assigned to members, under Member Details, as their personal trainer
    • Staff Resource
      • When enabled, Trainer can be added to Schedule Trainers, allowing them to be booked by members for training services such as Personal Training sessions
  • Save

Staff Details Complete

Next Steps for Trainers

  1. Input Trainer available-for-bookings hours roster under Rosters and Open Hours
  2. Edit Trainer details as a bookable-trainer under Setup Trainers
  3. You will then be able to book training services and edit availability to be booked for services via the Schedule