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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

User Administration

Add and manage staff user accounts within GymMaster

Permissions Tab

Permissions determine staff access level and restrictions within the GymMaster software system.
There are pre-created permissions Templates that can be used, based level of responsibility of staff members.
You can create your own template to specifically match roles within your club and apply them easily to staff, or apply permissions individually per staff member.

  • By default, new users at your facility have minimal GymMaster access
  • To allow permission within each Role Group, use the Role drop-down menu
    • Drop-down menu provides various levels of access to each area of GymMaster
      • The Description column will provide a definition of each level once selected; what staff can and cannot access
    • If unsure, start with low access levels for staff roles, if they encounter limitations due to their role, increase the permissions level for that role group gradually
  • It is advised not to grant Admin access to all staff members in the system. Admin level access allows users to modify global configurations, which may have unintended consequences.
  • Note: Any changes made to staff access rights will require the user to log out and then back in before changes will take effect.

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