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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Add Member

Details for all new, current, casual, expired members as well as prospects are stored on GymMaster

To Add Member, follow through these steps;

Add Billing

Billing simplifies payments for the club and for members, allowing members to pay automatically for their memberships on a weekly, fortnightly, monthly or annual basis, depending on the Payment Frequency within the membership selected.

  • Once Membership is selected and saved, GymMaster will take you to the Accounts and Billing

  • If an error shows stating no billing has been added, select Save and Complete

  • There will now be additional Billing settings provided

  • Select one;

    • Bill Member Automatically = fees are automatically charged. Recommended
    • Don’t Bill Automatically = fees are charged when scheduled manually
    • Never Bill = in person payments only
  • A default Billing Provider will be selected. See Billing Setup

    • To change selection for this member only, use edit icon at far right of Billing Provider drop down box
    • Select desired billing provider
  • Add Member’s Billing Details; details required will display once Provider is selected

  • Complete Payment Method Details; bank details or Credit/Debit card details

  • Depending on your Provider, you may need a linking code, ID or token

  • Save Billing

See Billing for more information about the setup and processing of payments.

Add New Member Complete
See Member Page to learn how to manage your member