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GymMaster Gym Software Manual


Billing is the process of handling automated and manual financial transactions related to membership payments.

Billing Icons

Find the full GymMaster definition of icons in the Glossary

When viewing a members account history, you’ll see a variety of icons denoting the status of various payments.
To see Account History, go to;

  • Member Profile > Accounts and Billing
  • Scroll down to thei Account History
  • 1; Payment Line - Indicated by a blue band on the Account’s History line item
  • 2; Charge Line - Indicated by a green band on the Account’s History line item
  • 3; Adjustment - An adjustment has been made to counteract a payment or charge
  • 4; Over paid / Deposit - The payment is not fully assigned to charges yet, there are available funds to be used
  • 5; Payment Received - Indicated by the Payment Received icon
  • 6; Gifted Time - The member has been given free time during this period, the charge amount is adjusted to reflect this
  • 7; Unpaid - Charge is outstanding, no payments have been made yet
  • 8; Membership Suspended - The membership is suspended during this period, the charge amount is adjusted to reflect this
  • 9; Paid - Charge has been fully paid
  • 10; Partially Paid - Charge has an associated payment, but there is still an outstanding amount owing
  • 11; Zero Charges - Charges with no value are automatically marked as paid

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