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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Doors and Readers

GymMaster software combined with door access hardware form an access control system which allows automated individualized entry

Enable QR Code Access

To setup QR Code Access, you will need to;

  • Ensure required hardware has been installed and integrated with GymMaster
  • Enable QR Code Access settings
  • Display QR Code near door
    • Dynamic QR Code
      • Recommended
      • Changes every 60 seconds
      • Requires tablet mounted in secure location near door to display QR image
      • Requires Member App to read
    • Static QR Code
      • Less secure
      • Only required to change every 12 months
      • Can be printed on paper / label and attached near door
      • Requires Member App to read
  • Ensure members download App to their phone

Next - QR Code Hardware