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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Doors and Readers

GymMaster software combined with door access hardware form an access control system which allows automated individualized entry

Key Fob Hardware

Key fob access requires RFID readers to be installed at your entry doors.
Current GymMaster Door Readers are both RFID and Bluetooth enabled, allowing both key fob and Bluetooth entry.
Readers supplied by GymMaster before 2022 may not be Bluetooth enabled.
Please speak with your GymMaster sales representative if interested in installing hardware for Key Fob access.

Order Key Fobs

When your key fob stock is starting to get low you can order more online, directly from GymMaster.
In the footer of almost every page in GymMaster you’ll find a small link, Order Key Fobs;

Once you click on the link you’ll be redirected to the GymMaster Client Portal.
From here, verify your shipping information, select the key fob color and respective quantity.
Your order’s shipping will automatically update as you add more fobs.
Select your payment method, and finally review your order before confirming it.

Next - Assign Key Fob to Members