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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Rosters and Open Hours

Rosters are used to set availability of trainers and facilities in schedule and assign door access hours for staff and members

24/7 Access

Roster not displayed under Rosters and Open Hours as it cannot be altered

24/7 = 24 hours per day, 7 days per week

The 247 system roster can be selected when assigning resource rosters, staff and member access.
You may choose to define your Member’s Access hours as 24/7, if it suits your club access capabilities and your Membership Type.
Please note that any of your System or Door Rosters can be selected to define Member Access hours.

For example;
Your club is open between 5am - 10am, but you wish to allow 24/7 Access for members with specific Memberhips.

GymMaster provides the hardware required to allow full secure access for your members during your non-staffed hours.
See Doors and Readers and contact your GymMaster Sales Support team member to learn more.

See Edit Roster to learn how to adjust times within a Roster

Please note:

  • 0:00am’ refers to midnight at the beginning of the day
  • 12:00am’ refers to midnight at the end of the day
  • Available selections are in 30min time periods; can be overwritten directly
  • Take care to select correct AM and PM time

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