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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Membership Types

Memberships are agreements between club and your members, providing members access to your club, services and classes in return for payment

Membership Benefits

Membership benefits are the various advantages, perks and limitations that a club offers to its Members as part of their Membership plans.
These benefits can include;

  • Classes: free / discounted access
  • Services: free / discounted access
  • Door Access: access to specific doors / clubs within specified hours
  • Products: member discounts

Take your time to ensure this area is completed correctly.

Before adding benefits, note that default benefits are applied to all new memberships;

  • Access to All Doors at the Memberships Club/s during Open Hours
  • Access to All Classes, no limits, for free

If these benefits are NOT required, use black edit or red delete icon on the right to adjust benefit

Next - Add Membership Benefits