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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Rosters and Open Hours

Rosters are used to set availability of trainers and facilities in schedule and assign door access hours for staff and members

Door Rosters


Door Rosters can be used for specific Door Access limits, to apply their ‘Accessible Hours’ to specific staff / members.
If your doors accessibility matches a System Roster - eg Open Hours, Off-peak, Peak, 24/7, then these can be used when applying access to staff / members.

Note - Door Rosters are not applied to the Doors themselves - they are applied to Membership Types / Staff Access Times to control specific access hours via the door

For Example

  • If your Reception door is accessible for access during same hours as any of your System Rosters;
    • You can apply any of the System Rosters when setting up your specific Door Access Membership Benefits under Membership Types
      • Eg, an Off-Peak Membership can apply the Off-Peak roster when defining door access limits
    • If your System Roster ever changes within Roster and Open Hours, this will automatically apply to your Member’s Access hours


  • If your Reception door is available for access within limited hours or some staff / members, you can create a specific roster for this door
    • You can go to Rosters and Open Hours
    • Select Add
    • Choose a name (eg Reception 8:30-5:30pm Mon-Fri)
    • Select Roster Type - in this case you would select Door
    • Save
  • Next, scroll down your roster list until you find Reception 8:30-5:30 Mon-Fri
    • Input the hours this facility is available, in this case;
      • 8:30-5:30 Monday to Friday Only
    • Once set, you can apply this roster to;

Note: You can create multiple rosters for the same door. Only the necessary roster will be applied to your Membership Types or Staff.

See Edit Roster to learn how to adjust times within a Roster

Please note:

  • 0:00am’ refers to midnight at the beginning of the day
  • 12:00am’ refers to midnight at the end of the day
  • Available selections are in 30min time periods; can be overwritten directly
  • Take care to select correct AM and PM time

Next - Edit Roster