The new GymMaster Friends feature is a new addition to the Member App which will offer a unique point of difference for your member community.
Designed to enhance your club’s community, drive member retention, and keep members motivated, this new social addition transforms how your members connect and engage with your services. Connecting members with Friends fosters a connected club community spirit which will set your club apart from the crowd, creating a sense of comradery your members will love being a part of.
Once enabled, members can connect with friends from the club via the Member App, motivating members through connectivity and friendly rivalry.
Members can add other members to their Friends list, accept or decline friend requests, and view friends club stats.
Members can see profile pic icon of friends who are attending upcoming classes, encouraging friends to book into classes together.
Connected members will have their own awards and club stats Leaderboards, sparking friendly competition and accountability between Friends
Members will be able to see which of their friends are currently at the gym, inspiring the occasional impromptu visit.
Members control their friend list; friend requests can be denied, and existing friends can be removed from their group, or blocked completely.
Enable the Friends feature and let your members know how to being interacting with friends on the Member App to supercharge their club goals.