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GymMaster Gym Software Manual


How to Use GymMaster Chat as a Member

Staff are now able to provide direct personal support, motivation, and updates between staff and members easily using GymMaster Chat.

Members will receive chat messages as GymMaster Member Portal app notifications and be able to reply directly via the app.
Members will need to adjust their general settings to allow notifications from GymMaster Member Portal App

Member Initiated Chats

By default, two-way chats can only be initiated by Staff.
However, if enabled in Advanced Configuration > Communication, Members will have the option to initiate chats with designated staff;

Assigned Personal Trainer
A one-on-one chat can be initiated by a member to their assigned Trainer. If they have an assigned trainer, a blank Personal Trainer message thread will be visible in member’s chat list, which they can opt-into and begin a chat at any time. The Trainer will receive notification of messages when logged into GymMaster.
Assign Trainer to a Member via Member Page > Additional Details

Assigned Sales Representative
A one-on-one chat can be initiated by a member to their assigned Sales Rep. If they have an assigned Rep, a blank Sales Rep message thread will be visible in member’s chat list, which they can opt-into and begin a chat at any time. The Sales Rep will receive notification of messages when logged into GymMaster.
Assign Sales Rep to a Member via Member Page > Marketing

General Messages to Staff
Appointed staff can receive all general messages from Members. A blank Club Staff message thread will be visible in member’s chat list, which they can opt-into and begin a chat at any time. Messages will be received by staff as group chats, and any staff who are in the general chat can respond to messages.
Any number of Staff can be assigned to received general message chats via User Administration > Options > General

Required Configuration

Also see GymMaster Chat from Staff Perspective.

If you have any further questions, please contact our Support Staff.