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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Member Portal

Allow members online access to their account and membership details, bookings, communication history and workout plans

Change Menu Names

Changes made here will also apply to the Member App

Change the wording of your menu list.
This can be applied to any of the existing menu options within Account, Booking, Training or Purchase.

  • Label - this is the current label that will be displayed on Portal / App
    • Click to edit
  • Type - function of button
    • This cannot be edited
  • Edit Label;
    • Make sure your new label continues to match the button’s designed function


See below for example of how this will look within your menu;

    1. Default menu label was ‘Edit Your Pofile’
    1. We changed this to the example of ‘Change Label Here’

All of your menu names can be changed, under each section.
Remember you cannot change their designed function.

Next - Change Order