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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Club Details

Add club/s to GymMaster, and setup the details of your business.

Billing Provider Details

For full details on selecting your provider and completing your Billing Provider details see Setup Billing.
View GymMasters Integrated Billing process.

A billing provider is a third-party company that holds the customer billing details securely and requests payment from members.
Payments are transferred to your chosen bank.
The billing provider integrates with GymMaster’s software to manage recurring payments related to club memberships.
GymMaster tracks successful / unsuccessful billing transfers, enabling you to know when billing fails.
Some examples of billing providers that GymMaster supports are listed here.

Once you have selected and signed up with your chosen Billing Provider, enter details here;

  • Select your chosen Billing Provider from drop list
    • Provider list shown in drop-down is location specific; this should provide a list of all providers in your area
  • Add API details for your selected Billing Provider; information requested will be different for each provider.

Next - Real Time Billing