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GymMaster Gym Software Manual


Billing is the process of handling automated and manual financial transactions related to membership payments.

Integrated Billing Process

Understand the billing process between GymMaster, Banks and Billing Providers

The full integrated billing process in GymMaster typically takes 3-5 working days. Actual duration varies based on billing providers and banks.
The billing process involves multiple steps;

Step One - Member Billed

  • GymMaster initiates payment request to Billing Provider
  • GymMaster initiates automatic payments early in the morning each day
  • This automated process ensures that members are billed according to their membership agreements
  • In addition to automatic payments, manual transactions can be requested throughout the day via the Point of Sale (POS) system

Step Two - Payment Requested

  • Billing Provider sends payment request to member’s bank
  • Banks process payment, typically overnight

Step Three - Payment Processed

  • Bank updates Billing Provider
  • Once processing is complete, billing provider receives outcome of payment requests

Step Four - Payment Status Requested

  • Billing Provider updates GymMaster
  • GymMaster periodically requests the status of payments sent to billing providers
  • The system automatically performs this status check approximately three times a day
  • Alternatively, you can manually check payment statuses by navigating to Report & Till > Billing > Check Billing

Step Five - Settlement

  • Many facilities have an account with their chosen billing provider, which collects settled payments on their behalf, subtracting transaction fees
  • The amount collected by the billing provider, minus transaction fees, is then disbursed to your facility’s designated bank account
  • The specifics of this settlement process can vary depending on your billing provider, as different providers may have their own procedures and timelines

The full integrated billing process in GymMaster typically takes 3-5 working days. Actual duration varies based on billing providers and banks.

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