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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Club Details

Add club/s to GymMaster, and setup the details of your business.

Maintenance Fee

A maintenance fee is an optional regular one-off charge on top of standard Membership Fee.
When enabling the Maintenance Fee, you can apply it to members based on their Membership Category, giving you the ability to charge fee to specific groups of members.

In the example below;

  • Member will be charged $60, 90 days after they first sign up for a membership at the club
  • Charge will only be collected if they have a membership that is in a membership division that has the maintenance fee enabled (by default it is disabled)
  • One year later, if the member still has a membership that is in a membership division that has the maintenance fee switched on, they will be charged $60 again
  • This check and charge will continue to occur each year on the same anniversary as long as the member is in the system
  • Save

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