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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Club Details

Add club/s to GymMaster, and setup the details of your business.

Real Time Billing

See glossary Real Time Billing

This option applies to EziDebit only, at this stage.

  • Real Time payments will process immediately
  • This applies to online one-off payments, such as product purchase or service
  • Note that payments for recurring charges (weekly / monthly memberships) are not typically treated as real time payments
  • By using the real time feature, members will enter their details once only, at initial real time payment
  • Details will be recorded and used for future real time payments
  • Without real time payments set up, members enter in their payment details for every real time payment made online

There are trade-offs to consider when using real time payments.
Ezidebit typically charges businesses an administration fee when new customer details are saved.
If the majority of payments are being made by members who visit your facility only once, the extra fee may not be worth switching over.

Enable Real Time Billing

  • See option within Club Details > Billing Details ‘EziDebit Realtime Payments’
    • Select whether to enable, and whether to save customer payment details
    • Complete the rest of your setup within this page
  • Save
  • To allow real time billing to function within GymMaster you must also enable this within the back-end configuration
    • Go to Member Portal Configuration
    • Scroll down to Billing
    • Set all options available / relevant to ‘Bill Immediately’
  • Save

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