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GymMaster Gym Software Manual


Billing is the process of handling automated and manual financial transactions related to membership payments.

Billing Providers

Setup Billing; Part Three
Note - this step is only required if your desired billing provider did not appear on the drop-down list within the Billing Credentials step.

Go to Billing Providers from the Billing main page

Selection here will determine which Billing Provider options appear in dropdown list in Billing Details setup in Billing Credentials.

In example below, Clover Connect has been hidden and disabled. Provider will not appear as option in Billing Credentials.
Billing Providers EziDebit and EzyPay are both enabled. Providers will appear as option in Billing Credentials.

Note - Providers listed and enabled are based on your location.
There should be no need to make adjustments to these settings, in most cases

Step Three - Add Member Billing Details