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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Doors and Readers

GymMaster software combined with door access hardware form an access control system which allows automated individualized entry

Key Fobs FAQs

Be sure to check the Troubleshooting page for common Door Access setup / function resolutions.

Additional Door Access FAQs Pages;

If you are unable to find the answer to your query, please Contact Our Support Team

What is the time delay when accessing door using a key fob?

  • The expected time delay is 2-4 seconds

Can a member have multiple key fobs assigned to them?

  • Typically no; a member can only be allocated one key fob at a time
  • If a second key fob is assigned, this will override the first key fob, which will now no longer be active for this member
  • If you do require the capacity to assign multiple fobs to your members, please Contact Our Support Team to ask us to enable this setting

What action do we take if a member has lost / had their key fob stolen?

  • Go to their member account
  • Delete number in ‘Key Fob’ field and press save
  • The lost / stolen key fob will now be deactivated
  • The member can have a new key fob assigned to their account
  • This is assigned in the same manner as a regular key fob
  • Their previous key fob will no longer be allocated to a member / membership, so if used it will not allow access

How can we determine which member has been allocated a particular key fob number?

  • To find out which member has been assigned a particular key fob;
    • Navigate to Settings > Doors and Readers > Assigned Key Fobs (upper right)
    • Type fob number into search bar
    • If a member has been assigned this number, their name will appear below
    • If no member has been assigned this number, no name will appear below

Doors and Readers Complete