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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Doors and Readers

GymMaster software combined with door access hardware form an access control system which allows automated individualized entry

Bluetooth FAQs

Be sure to check the Troubleshooting page for common Door Access setup / function resolutions.

Additional Door Access FAQs Pages;

If you are unable to find the answer to your query, please Contact Our Support Team

Why should the phone not be placed directly on the reader when using bluetooth?

  • Placing phone directly on the reader may confuse reader which is searching for both RFID and Bluetooth signals
  • This may result in a failed entry attempt
  • Have your members access the Bluetooth reader from their App when approx 1 - 2m from the reader

Can the range at which a Bluetooth door reader connects to a phone be adjusted??

  • Yes, while the maximum range can be up to 20m, this range may be problematic for some clubs
  • Adjustments can be made, please request this by Contacting Our Support Team

What is the time delay when accessing door using Bluetooth?

  • First time access for new member the delay may be up to 7 seconds
  • For most check-in scenarios the regular time delay is between 3-4 seconds
  • Differences can occur based on individual phone models / brands / age of phone etc

How can we disable Bluetooth Access?

  • If wanting to prevent bluetooth access for any reason you can;
    • Navigate to Settings > Advanced Configuration > General > disable Assign Bluetooth Access Tokens by default
    • Next, navigate to Settings > Membership Types > Category > Edit Category > disable Assign a Bluetooth Access Token per category
  • To re-enable access, you can re-enable these options
  • Then assign Bluetooth Access Token to your Existing Members

Why are some members having issues with Bluetooth access?

  • Check members have Bluetooth enabled on their phone
  • Check members have a Bluetooth Access Token assigned to their account
  • Check members have updated GymMaster App version
  • Ask members to logout and re-login in to their Member App
  • Note that some phone brands / models / older phones may be contributing to a connection failure
  • If access issues continue, please Contact Our Support Team

Why does our Bluetooth reader occasionally stop working when a member tries to access it using the app?

  • This may be resolved simply by rebooting your GateKeeper
  • If issues persists after a reboot, note that;
  • The older Bluetooth readers (eg Cidron model) can produce this behavior on occasion
  • Due to this issue we have produced our own Bluetooth Sentinel readers, with much higher reliability
  • Contact us to determine if this is the issue
  • If your Cidron is still under warranty you may be entitled to a free upgrade
  • The new Sentinel reader will require similar installation to your Cidron reader
  • The Sentinel reader is both Key Fob and Bluetooth compatible

Why are changes made not fixing access issue at door?

  • Changes made within GymMaster need to synch up with your member’s App; this may not happen immediately
  • Try logging in and out of GymMaster
  • Have your member close out of the App and re-login again
  • This should resynch data
  • If access issues continue, please Contact Our Support Team

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