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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Getting Started

Your on-boarding training sessions can be booked here

Setting a Date

GymMaster’s transfer assistance tries to make the process as simple and seamless for you as possible, but we can’t do it without you.
There are a few key steps to the transfer process and we need a clear timeline on when each of these will occur to produce the best results.

Provide Sample Data

Step One

To make sure we understand how your data will work in the GymMaster system, we need to see a sample of it before the final transition.
From this we will go through and discuss what the data means, as terminology differs between Software systems.
Ultimately you know how your club runs best, and we’re unlikely to get the full picture without your involvement.

Notify Previous Software and Billing Providers

Step Two

After we understand what the data we’re working with looks like, we can start making plans for when the transfer takes place.

To do this, you will need to notify;

  • Your current billing provider
  • Your new billing provider with GymMaster (if changing)
  • Your previous Software provider

that you are changing to GymMaster.

This means either setting up new accounts to use with the GymMaster system, or asking them to provide us with your customers billing details, or tokens, that we can use.

Pick Dates for Transfer

Step Three

With the information gained from Step Two, we can now decide when the transfer can take place.
We prefer that this is at least a couple days before GymMaster is due to take over billing scheduling for payments to give a little breathing room. Once we pick a date together, you can go back to entities mentioned in 2a, 2b, and 2c and relay those dates.

Next - Day of Transfer