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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Getting Started

Your on-boarding training sessions can be booked here

Data We Can Transfer

We focus on transferring data that is vital to your business and cost effective to migrate.

What We Will Transfer;

  • Members and Details - names, birthdate, gender, email, phone, address, joining date and other general information.
    If you’re not sure, check with us.
  • Billing Information - typically this will be tokenized billing details (e.g. credit card and bank details) which requires cooperation from your billing provider
  • Active Memberships - their names, fees, billing frequency, and upcoming payment dates The start date for this membership may not be accurate if the member has been on hold The end date of the membership should be accurate
  • Next Billing Date - this field will be used to indicate the start of their billing within GymMaster; it will not match their first payment date with your business
  • Cancellation Date - if they are canceling in the future
  • Membership Types - list of membership types you sell

What We Can Transfer By Arrangement;

Some data isn’t transferred without prior agreement as it’s less relevant, likely to cause complications, and/or expensive to transfer.
The following data may be transferred under advisement, but will incur additional fees;

  • Member ID cards -occasional exceptions for barcodes
  • Visit History
  • Communication History and member notes
  • Products
  • Members photos
  • Members Contracts/Waivers
  • Historic/Expired memberships - member contact details for historic/expired members can be transferred along with prospect contact details
  • Links related to memberships - e.g family members who pay for other members

Next - Data We Cannot Transfer