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GymMaster Gym Software Manual


Stock refers to the inventory of products or items that your club currently has available for sale.


Stocktakes involve staff physically checking the stock levels of each product and inputting this information into GymMaster.
Regular stocktakes ensure stock levels remain accurate over time for reporting, purchase orders, and to identify security issues such as theft.

To complete a Stocktake in GymMaster;

  • Go to Stock > Stocktake > Add Stocktake
    • Apply any filters required, such as date, club, or product name
    • Adjust order of any column to best suit
  • Print report if desired; Landscape orientation
  • Manually check stock levels of each product, update current inventory in Counted column
    • Add written Reason for any discrepancies found, if known
  • Save

Column reference;

  • Cost - Per item purchase cost from supplier
  • Purchased - Stock received from supplier since previous stocktake
  • Sold - Sale figures per product since previous stocktake
  • Opening Inventory - Stock levels at completion of last stocktake
  • Current Inventory - Estimated current stock levels based on previous stocktake, stock received, and stock sold

Next - Input Delivery