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GymMaster Gym Software Manual


Timetabling of club Classes and Services offered to Members, displaying availability of facilities and trainers for staff.

Book Member into Service via Schedule

Members can make bookings in person and online via Member Portal, when online bookings are enabled.

Note - this process can also be initiated from the member page Make Booking button

Go to Schedule;

  • Select desired Trainer schedule (top left) to select trainer to book

  • Left-click on date/time you wish to schedule the booking

  • Select Add Service

Complete details, ensuring you;

  • Select Member
  • Select correct service from the drop-down list
  • Select correct date
  • Select correct start / end times
  • Select Discount Code, if relevant
  • Use Repeats function if booking repeats at this time


  • Save and Pay Now - you will be taken to Point of Sale to complete payment
  • Save Booking - defer payment. Charges will be added to member account. They will be charged in next billing cycle, or prompted to pay when checking in to booking

Next - Manually Check Member into Service