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GymMaster Gym Software Manual


Timetabling of club Classes and Services offered to Members, displaying availability of facilities and trainers for staff.


Get to know your Schedule;

Bookable Time Periods

Classes and Services can be booked with the time blocks shown on left side of the schedule.
Eg, 30min time periods would allow classes to be scheduled every 30min, with minimum 30min duration

Adjust Time Periods

To adjust time periods to allow more flexible booking;

  • Go to Settings > Bookings and Classes > Trainers > Category List

  • Click on Add / Edit Category

    • The Period setting refers to the time blocks that will be displayed on the Schedule.
    • Selecting 15 minutes would allow you to book a class or service to any Trainer within that Category every 15 minutes from the top of the hour (e.g., 12:00pm, 12:15pm, 12:30pm, and so on)

Lower Bar

Key for Class and Service Bookings