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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Member Portal

Allow members online access to their account and membership details, bookings, communication history and workout plans

Enable Booking of Classes Online

Allow members to book your classes online;

Member Portal Configuration

Step One

  • Go to Settings > Bookings and Classes > Classes
  • Select Class Settings
  • Select Member Portal Configuration
    • Enable Online Booking of Classes
  • Continue through all Class Settings - Member Portal Configuration one by one

Enable Online Booking of Individual Classes

Step Two

  • Go to Settings > Bookings and Classes > Classes
  • Select to Add / Edit class
  • Go to Online Bookings
  • Enable Bookable Online
  • Add class Description - will be displayed online
  • Complete further details; note pre-filled selections are set in Class Settings
  • Repeat Step 2 for every class where online booking is required

Next - Enable Booking of Services