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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Custom Fields

Tailor fields and sections within GymMaster to align with the unique requirements of your club.

Online Sign-Up Form

To set up a Promotion Source for your Online Sign-Up Form, follow these steps;

  • Create required Promotion in Custom Fields

  • Save

  • Go to Advanced Configuration > Member Portal Configuration > Sign-Up > Enable Sign-Up > Request source/promotion on sign-up

    • Use your regular Sign-Up Form link on the platforms you utilize for promoting your club
    • When prospects sign up through this link, they will be prompted to choose from the list of options created in Custom Fields > Promotions, indicating where they heard about your club
  • This source information will be recorded under Member Details > Source Promotion field and can be collated through Reports, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of your promotions and the platforms driving the most sign-ups

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