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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Custom Fields

Tailor fields and sections within GymMaster to align with the unique requirements of your club.

Prospect Not Interested Reasons

It’s important to know the reasons why your prospects are choosing to not sign up for a membership with your club.
GymMaster makes it easy to gather and analyze cancellation reasons to identify areas for improvement, tailor their offerings to member needs, and enhance overall prospect conversion

The prospect not interested reason options are created under Custom Fields > Prospect Not Interested Reasons.
When a prospect indicates their reason for not becoming a member, staff can log their feedback on Member Details Page > Prospect Not Interested

Options may cover the following areas;

  • Casual member
  • Cost concerns
  • Contract length
  • Limited membership options
  • Limited classes / services
  • Lack of facilities
  • Atmosphere
  • Poor customer service
  • Unsuitable hours
  • Location inconvenience
  • Injury or health issues
  • Social factors

Use GymMaster Reports to collate and analyze data.

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