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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Club Details

Add club/s to GymMaster, and setup the details of your business.

Update Contact Details

Update account details and request any change in your GymMaster URL here

Complete form found on this section of GymMaster to update the contact details for any of the primary contacts at facility, or update details of facility itself.
Only enter information in the fields you wish to update, leave the rest blank.

GymMaster URL Change

If you wish to change your existing GymMaster URL, please note;

  • Updating the URL is not simple process
  • Many of the features you utilize with GymMaster or with integrated third parties rely on a specific URL to work
  • Changing the URL means these features will no longer work until they have been redirected to your new URL
  • In certain cases third party integrations may not allow for name changes at all
  • Costs may apply

Next - Change Account Plan