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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Club Details

Add club/s to GymMaster, and setup the details of your business.

Cancel Account

Your club’s subscription with GymMaster can be cancelled by completing form found on this page.
Once form is completed by an authorised party, GymMaster will confirm your request within ten working days with an email to the main contact in our system.

Note that;

  • Payment of all outstanding debts are required.
  • GymMaster bills for its services in arrears, meaning that there will be an additional invoice issued once you have ended your subscription.
  • If you are within your first 60 days, you may be eligible for a refund of any rental paid and hardware.
  • Please read the Terms of Trade for further clarification on the above points.
    Printed tags, shipping costs, and damaged items are non-refundable.

Data Extraction

Read the information found here regarding extraction of your data from GymMaster.
This data may be used to transfer into another club management system.

Next - Change Ownership