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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Templates and Communication

Communication to your members can largely be automated while remaining individualized, by utilizing Templates.

Member Communication Task

When a member requires personal communication, a Task can be generated to ensure the correct staff member is aware and follows through.
These may be created by staff or generated by GymMaster.

Staff Created Member Communication Task

A staff member may respond to a need to communicate with a member, and assign this task to another staff member.
Completing this task through the Communication Tab within the member’s profile ensures a task log is maintained alongside existing communication history.
A task created here will appear under Tasks > Manual Tab for staff to view and complete.

To add a personal communication task;

  • Go to Member Profile > Communication Tab
    • Select Add
    • Select Add Task
      • Complete task details
  • Save

GymMaster Created Member Communication Task

Staff action, including communication tasks regarding members, can be generated automatically by GymMaster in response to a pre-defined trigger event.
These task types are created under Task Automation.
A task created here will appear under Tasks > Manual Tab for staff to view and complete.

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