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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Templates and Communication

Communication to your members can largely be automated while remaining individualized, by utilizing Templates.

Assign Confirmation Templates

Your key confirmation templates are assigned throughout Advanced Configuration and Member Portal Configuration, depending on which area they relate to.

Go to Advanced Configuration and Member Portal Configuration;

  • Select which of the following email options are enabled (will send email to members when event occurs)
  • Assign correct email to each option
  • Ensure email is edited to suit your club’s needs

Check through each of the following sections;

Advanced Configuration

  • Bookings
    • Confirmation email; Staff enrolls member into class
    • Confirmation email; Staff creates booking (service) for member
    • Confirmation email; staff adds member to class waitlist
    • Confirmation email; staff removes member from class waitlist
    • Confirmation email; staff cancels member booking
  • Classes
    • Confirmation SMS; class booking waitlist update
    • Confirmation email; class booking waitlist update
  • Invoice
    • Confirmation email; credit note applied to member
  • Membership
    • Confirmation email; staff adds membership to member
    • Confirmation email; staff cancels member’s membership
  • Point of Sale
    • Confirmation email; sale processed bye staff, purchase receipt attached

Member Portal Configuration;

  • Classes
    • Confirmation email; member books a class online.
    • Confirmation email; member added to class waitlist
  • Communication
    • Confirmation email; new member signs up online
    • Confirmation email; existing member adds new membership online
    • Confirmation email; member cancels membership online
    • Confirmation email; member books service online
    • Confirmation email; member cancels waitlist booking online
    • Confirmation email; member cancels class booking online
    • Confirmation email; member updates payment details online
    • Confirmation email; member pays outstanding account balance online
    • Confirmation email; somebody fills in the Contact Us page
    • Confirmation email; member resets password online
  • Point of Sale
    • Confirmation email; purchases paid online

Next - Automate Template Communication