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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Tasks and Task Automation

Tasks are predefined actions or reminders that automate processes within GymMaster or prompt staff to perform specific actions.

When to Use Automate Tasks

No Staff Action Required

Automated tasks are best used to streamline routine administrative processes, allowing club staff to focus more on member engagement and delivering exceptional fitness experiences.
Examples where you could apply automated tasks include;

  • Member On-boarding - set up automated welcome emails and orientation schedules for new members
  • Payment Reminders - use automation to send payment reminders to members with upcoming dues
  • Class and Appointment Reminders - automatically send reminders to members
  • Birthday Wishes and Milestones - automated birthday greetings or congratulatory messages for reaching fitness milestones
  • Membership Renewals - send automated notifications and renewal options to expiring members
  • Lead Follow-ups - automatically send follow-up emails to leads who have shown interest in your club
  • Feedback and Surveys - collect feedback from members after classes or events
  • Prevent Member Access - due to reasons determined within task

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