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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Report and Till

Reports are organized collections of data providing insights into your club’s performance

Data Provided

The Till Take Report provides a detailed summary for all income via Point of Sale.

Information gathered for Till Take report includes;

  • End of Shift Report (X Report) - report showing transactions processed from the start of the day to the time the X Report is run.
    • Intended to be run at the end of each shift
  • End of Day Report (Z Report) - report showing transactions processed since last Z report was run.
    • Intended to be run at the end of the each day
  • Previous Shift Reports - list of historic X and Z Reports

Reports are presented in categories, including;

  • Payment Received - total income within period
  • Voided Sales - total voided sales within period
  • Payment Method Summary - totals within each payment method within period
  • Payments by Tax Level - totals within each tax code within period
  • Drawer Cash - start / end cash amounts; amount expected in drawer
  • Charge to Member - totals charged to member within period

Next - Run Till Take Report