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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Report and Till

Reports are organized collections of data providing insights into your club’s performance

Data Provided

The Key Performance Indicators Report provides a summary of key business data within any selected time period

The KPI report includes the following information;

  • Member Statistics - includes number of current, happy, sad, female and male members, as well as members on hold and on gifted time
  • Member Activity - includes number of visiting, new, expiring, cancelled, retained and rejoined members
  • Membership Activity - including numbers of new, renewed and expiring memberships
  • Sales Made - including total sales via point of sale, vouchers, product types, refunds
  • Payments Received - including amount received via cash, eftpos, billing and other payment types
  • Booking Summary - including number of checked-in, cancelled, no shows and types of services booked
  • Class Attendance - including number of checked-in, cancelled, no shows and types of classes booked

Any category within each report summary can be clicked on, taking you through to the original report for that selection.

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