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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Report and Till

Reports are organized collections of data providing insights into your clubs performance

Run Staff Attendance Report

To run Staff Attendance report;

  • Go to Report & Till > Staff Attendance

  • Report will provide following details;

    • Clock-in / clock-out - a daily record tracking exact time a staff member logs into work

      • Automated tracking - when staff enter/leave the facility using their key fobs, GymMaster records Clock-In / Clock-Out based on their rostered time
        • If staff arrive late / leave early, this will be reflected in their logged clock-in / clock-out times
        • Staff swipe twice consecutively to clock-out
      • Manual tracking - staff can clock in and out manually when logging into GymMaster, via the user drop-down menu on top right of screen
        • This feature can be enabled in Settings > Advanced Configuration > General
    • Time Worked - total time worked per day / per date period selected

    • Appointments - total number of bookings (including personal training) each staff run per day / per date period selected

    • Classes Taken - total number of classes each staff run per day / per date period selected

    • Members Signed Up - total number of new members each staff have signed up per day / per date period selected

    • Available / Roster Time - total number of hours ‘Available’ in relation to rostered time. Available Time designates when a trainer can be booked by members for personal training sessions via Member Portal. Manage available time under Schedule Trainers

  • Select to

    • Print
    • Export to CSV

Next - Edit Staff Attendance