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GymMaster Gym Software Manual


Products are the items that your club offers for sale, such as foods, supplements, clothing, or equipment


  • Track Stock - Enable GymMaster to monitor inventory levels as purchases are completed

    • Updating of stock levels when product received from suppliers must be performed manually
    • Receive Low Stock Email - Allow GymMaster to alert selected staff when stock levels drop below specified amount
    • Minimum Stock Level Notification - Set stock level which triggers product to be added to low stock email
  • Supplier - Select the supplier of this product

    • Supplier Product Code - Input suppliers identifier code for product.
      • Used to correctly identify product for future ordering
  • Purchase Price - Purchase price of product from supplier

    • Tax rate based on selection made in Product Type
  • Stock to Deduct per Purchase - Determine how much product is deducted from stock levels with each transaction

Next - Product Variations