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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Manage Members


Add Hold to Member / Memberships

A Member Hold is a temporary suspension or freeze of a member’s membership plan, initiated by member or staff.
When a member or Staff places a member / membersship on hold, they typically pause their payments and access to the gym for a specified period of time.
A member hold may be applied to one or all memberships held by member.

  • Go to Find Member > Member Details > Membership Tab

    • Select Hold Membership
  • Select Membership/s you wish to add hold

    • Add Reason for hold (optional)
    • Select Start date of hold
    • Select End Date OR Duration of hold
    • Select fee for adding hold;
      • Free
      • Setup Cost
      • Ongoing Fee
      • Continue Regular Billing
    • Enable End Hold on Member Return to end the hold earlier than the selected end date if the member returns before the hold period is over
    • Select Prorata Membership Fees to charge the member a proportional part of the fees based on the timing of the hold
    • Enable Disable New Bookings and Classes to prevent the member from enrolling in classes and bookings during the hold period
  • Save

Request Mass Hold for all Members

If your gym is closing for a period of time or for other events where you need to temporarily restrict access for all members, you can activate a mass hold to all members.
A Mass Hold can be arranged by contacting GymMaster, via the Mass Hold request link;

  • Go to Settings > Club Details
    • Select Mass Hold
    • Request Mass Hold

Gift Time to Membership

Gifting Time allows the gym to provide member a period of free access to one or all of their memberships

  • Allows unbilled access and benefits during the gifted time period
  • Note that a member must hold a current active membership in order to be able to be gifted time
  • Both Gifted Time and Holds extend the roll-over date of the current Membership

To Gift Time;

  • Go to Find Member > Member Details > Membership tab > Gift Time
    • Select all or specific membership to gift time towards
    • Select duration of Gifted Time
  • Save

Member Holds FAQs

  • Can all memberships for all members be put on hold simultaneously?

  • Member’s membership is on hold, but now they cannot access gym or make bookings?

    • The hold puts a pause on selected membership(s), preventing the use of the membership and its benefits, including access.
    • If you wish you grant free access, instead of a hold, use Gifted Time instead.
  • Why was member billed during hold?

    • During a hold new charge generation will be prevented, but existing due amount (prorata due amount) can still be billed.
    • For example, if a prorata amount of membership fee accrued prior to hold starting is due within hold period, this amount will be billed on the first billing day within the hold period.
    • Equally, if a prorata amount of membership fee is due for the period after hold ends, when their billing day falls prior to their scheduled hold ending, this amount will be billed on the last billing day prior to the scheduled end of the hold.
  • Member is on hold but shows in credit?

    • The hold was probably applied retrospectively, potentially after the payment had already been made.
    • Typically, no immediate action is necessary, as the credited amount will be applied to future charges.
    • For more info see Member in Credit after Hold
  • Member is currently on hold; how were they able to access the gym today?

    • If the “End Hold on Member Return” option was selected when adding hold to memberhip, the hold will automatically terminate when the member visits the gym.
  • Is it possible for members to place hold on selected memberships themselves?

    • Yes; go to Member Portal Configuration > Member Holds, to allow members to request a hold or to add hold directly.
    • Settings for minimum/maximum hold duration, hold frequency, hold fee, can all be selected here.

Manage Members

Accounts and Billing


Membership Settings
Membership Categories
Add Membership
Add Membership to Member