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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Financial Configuration

Customize and manage the financial aspects of your business, ensuring smooth financial processes for club and members.

Add Tax Rates

Add all tax rates

  • Go to Settings > Financial Configuration > Tax Rates > Adjust tax Rates > Add Tax Rate

  • Differentiate tax rates for each category: You can establish separate tax rates for various categories of items sold at your facility.

  • Define tax rate details:

    • Tax Rate Title - use this as a reference within GymMaster (e.g., Booking Tax, Product Tax)
    • Tax Rate Name - this appears on receipts and invoices as a reference for your members
    • Set as Default - select to have this tax rate pre-selected in sales and services (can be adjusted per sale/service)
    • Tax Rate Components - determine the applicable tax percentage based on local requirements
      • Most tax rates have a single component, but some regions may have multiple components

In example, we have created GST tax rate, a default Sales Tax applied to most products and services.
The tax rate is set at 12.5%.

Next - Apply Tax Rates