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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Financial Configuration

Customize and manage the financial aspects of your business, ensuring smooth financial processes for club and members.

Membership Discounts

Select where/when the discount is applied, and what amount is discounted

  • Select Membership Categories and Membership Types the discount code can be used for when purchasing
  • Enable Account Credit - you can select discount to be applied as credit to members account
    • Account Credit will be applied on membership completion. Any fees that are required to be paid to complete the membership must be paid before the account credit gets applied
  • Enable Signup Fee Discount - if discount applies to signup fee, select the details of the discount here
    • Options are Percentage discount, Flat Amount discount, Set Rate
  • Enable Membership Price Discount - if discount applies to membership fee for the duration of the membership, select the details of the discount here.
    • Options are Percentage discount, Flat Amount discount, Set Rate
    • If discount applies to a limited time period of the membership, select these details further down at Enable Promotional Period.
  • Enable Promotional Period - if discount applies to membership fee for limited duration during membership, select the details of the discount here
    • Promotional Discount Periods cannot be applied to Paid In Full membership types

Membership Discount Code Completed
Next - Booking Discount Code