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GymMaster Gym Software Manual

Member App

The GymMaster Member App gives your members the ability to access the Member Portal via their smartphone or tablet.

Custom App and Branding

The GymMaster Member App is branded with the GymMaster logo and color scheme by default.
While each club can alter elements within the App, members will be downloading the GymMaster brand, and will be presented with the GymMaster logo when logging in.

We understand that some facilities will prefer to have their own branding for the app, beginning with the app store, through to login as well as within the app.

The GymMaster custom app service offers a solution.

Names, logos, and colors are changed to match your branding.
Your branded version of the GymMaster members app will be listed under your chosen name on the Android and Apple App Stores.

To see what this looks like, have a look at our website.

If you are interested in this or other customization of the Member App for your club, please contact your Sales Representative to see how our development team can help you create the app functionality you require.

Customization Fee

There’s an initial setup cost that covers the production of your app.
Once it’s all set up there is a monthly module fee that covers the cost of maintaining your app store presence.
These fees cover re-skinning and superficial visual changes.
Please note that changes to app functionality/ flow will incur additional fees.

For specific pricing for your region, contact your client manager.

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