Manage Class Schedule
Schedule Classes
Once classes have been setup via Bookings and Classes, you can schedule your classes.
- Go to Schedule page
- Select Facility schedule (top left) where class will be held
- Left-click on date/time you wish to schedule the class
- Select Add Class
- Complete details, ensuring you:
- Select correct class from the dropdown list
- Select correct date
- Select correct start / end times
- Use Repeats function if class repeats at this time
- Select trainer / instructor who will run class
- Save Class
Class will now be able to be booked by Members, in person (via Schedule) and online via Member Portal (when enabled)
Book Member into Class via Schedule
- Go to Schedule page
- Left-click on class member wishes to book, ensuring you have correct date
- Enter member’s name into member search field, left-hand side of page
- Member card will appear below search field
- Click arrow icon to right of their name to book them into class
If payment is required for the class, a prompt for payment will appear - you will be taken to Point of Sale to process the payment.
If an error message displays, double-check whether the member has access to this class and is up to date on their membership fees.
Edit / Delete / Repeat Member Bookings
Once member is booked in, you can further manage their booking.
- Click on class they are booked into, via Schedule
- Select drop-down menu on far right of their member card
- Select to edit, delete, or schedule repeat bookings for this class
Manual Check-In to Class
- Click on class on Schedule
- Locate member on list, right-hand side
- Select Tick icon to right of their name
- Green member card indicates successful check-in
- To change order of member list, use dropdown box and sort-order toggle located to right of Attendees
Note; automatic check-in is available for members who check-in to gym using their key fob.
Enable and setup up details in Settings > Advanced Configuration > Booking.
Classes FAQs
- Why is a scheduled class not appearing on Member Portal / Member App?
- What is ClassPass and how does it work?
Manage Service Schedule
Manage Trainer Schedule
Manage Meeting Schedule
Adjust Scheduled Session
Schedule Overview