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GymMaster Gym Software Release

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GymMaster Software Release v1425

Tue, Mar 11, 2025  

Initial Release: 11th March 2025

General Improvements:

  • ‘Override Online Schedule Visibility’ has been deprecated and replaced with clearer options on the class edit page.
  • Gift Voucher purchases have been excluded from the ‘Product Purchased’ task trigger and moved to a dedicated ‘Gift Voucher Purchased’ Task trigger.
  • Added descriptions and clarified names of notes related report fields across multiple categories.
  • Filters on the Products page are now combined into a filtered search (like the search in Find Member).
  • Various improvements for Real-Time payments made via Point of Sale.
  • Clicking the ‘used’ count on the Memberships and Bookings Discount Code list pages will now open a full report of all uses for the specific code. The full reports are available under ‘Membership Discount Codes Used’ and ‘Booking Discount Codes Used’.
  • Renamed the ‘Sign Up’ button at the bottom of the signup page to ‘Continue’ as the sign up is only completed after finishing any agreements on the next page.
  • Removed the ‘Enable minimum cancellation time frame’ setting, which is now enabled by default. The associated ‘Cancellation cutoff’ option has been moved to the ‘Online Bookings’ section of the Edit Class page as it only applies to Member Portal and Member App bookings.
  • Updated the ‘Club Administrator’ Staff Permission access role template to give ‘Door Admin’ instead of ‘Door Basic’.
  • Added ‘Last Month’ date range option when running reports.
  • Optimized the SMS opt-in message to fit within one SMS in most cases. Cases involving longer names may still require two.

Notable Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issue preventing staff users from adding Square billing information for members.
  • Fixed shared members being unable to book classes that required a benefit.
  • Fixed emails incorrectly being saved to member communications after they failed to send due to invalid email address formatting.
  • Fixed issue that prevented default contracts appearing in the member portal when signing up to a new membership.
  • Fixed issue in the schedule that prevented saving services if the duration was not a valid multiple of the Facility Category’s ‘Period' interval.
  • Fixed the video controls not working on the tailgating snapshot modal in the Visitors page.
  • Fixed issue where pressing the ‘Enter’ key in the ‘Partial Payment modal’ in Point Of Sale would reload the page.
  • Fixed issue that allowed prospects to purchase ‘member-only’ memberships if they had a direct Member Portal link to purchase the membership.
  • Fixed issue allowing current members to apply discount codes to bookings if the booking was available to ‘Service Packs’ but not ‘Current Member’
  • Fixed the availability checks for Booking Discount Codes incorrectly using the member’s club instead of the booking’s club.
  • Fixed incorrectly allowing multiple images to be set on a Class type, resulting in the Member Portal failing to load available class booking times.
  • Fixed comparison descriptions on Dashboard KPI widgets displaying when there was no comparative metric shown.
  • Fixed issue where booking discount codes were not able to be applied in the Member Portal booking list if the ‘Available Discount Period’ was set in the future.
  • Fixed service based discount codes incorrectly returning ‘Code cannot be used for classes’ in the member app.
  • Various readability and UI fixes for the dark mode theme. Notability fixing placeholder text looking too similar to populated text fields.
  • Fixed issue where clearing the club open date on the Club Details page could silently prevent saving the page.
  • Fixed issue causing deleted members to be included in the Future Members report.
  • Fixed issue where deleted members could remain logged into the app if they had an existing login session.
  • Fixed issue causing the agreements section to be included twice in membership contracts.