A great way to reward your members is by including member benefits, such as special offers, discounts or freebies on products for certain memberships. We’ve made this really easy for you, your staff and your members.
Maybe you want to give your Gold Members free towel hire, or you want to promote your club by offering free water bottles to your Premium members. Perhaps you’re just looking at increasing sales on your beverage range - either way we can help!
Now, when you add a benefit to a membership:

You can choose a product, apply a percentage discount on all products, or a set price for members on that membership:

With just a few clicks, your members will feel more special and your add-on sales will be increase. Simple, isn’t it?
GymMaster’s ongoing development is part of our commitment to being the most easy to use membership management solution available in the fitness industry. If you have an idea for how GymMaster can be better for your business please let us know!